== [silver] eDition by kokane == © 2000 kokane Thanks to all the people out there who have stood by me and supported the scripts :) *==[ Special shout out to Pils for doing a great job as beta tester ]==* Whats new in [silver] eDition? - Its still the most easiest and user friendly script on irc.telstra.com and yet the only with the most functions. - Heaps of dialogs to make life easier for you; MemoServ dialogs - Read Delete Send NickServ dialogs - Identify Register New Password Ghost Text colour Private message filter Swear filter dialog DCC recieve dialog All new connection dialog All new away system Highlight text dialog (if you want text with your nickname to be highlighted) Funny kick dialog Notify dialogs Notice dialog Ignore dialog - Custom raw server replies. - Talkers; Fun Colour Bold Encrypt Random Colour Block talker Funky talker Bubble talker - Heaps of popups (which i didnt make myself, i just compiled them into some sort of order). Personal stats popups Dynamic set of popups. - New look interface, with all new join/part/ban/mode/action. - Flood protection for action, ctcp, notice and text. - Nickname alerter, for when someone mentions your nickname in a channel and your not in there. - Plus loads more! - Check out my homepage: http://shintara.tripod.com for updates and info. A mention to all the script rippers out there and all the people who use things out of scripts without giving the authors mention, WE ALL KNOW WHO YOU ARE, and if your going to rip at least change file names! Its obvious that these people dont realise how much effort goes into making scripts, I am not talking about popups, because any lamer can make popups! If you are going to use the scripts, yes that is the remote scripts, raws and/or dialogs give the original author some credit, as they have obviously done all the hard work. All remotes, raws and dialogs have been writen by myself (unless stated so), if you want to use them in your script you are more than welcome to, BUT give me a mention, and dont call my work yours! Sadly this is the final script that i am going to release, but stay tuned for some great addons. Take care all kokane - P.S. [silver] eDition is dedicated to all the fuckwits who bagged me out, now lets see if you guys can do any better? -